Tuesday, October 27, 2009

busy busy life

The little one is keeping me so busy! He's getting more independent (now I truly understand the meaning of bittersweet) but I hate to just plop him down so I can spend more time than I need to on the computer. Besides, I enjoy spending all the time I can trying to figure out sillier and sillier ways to make him laugh.

I am helping a friend plan her daughter's first birthday party. Since I have another 6 months to go with the little man until that milestone - and I am super girly - this is a blast for me.

Isn't the idea of a high chair sign saying "I am 1" so cute? And I love the mini-sandwich in a cupcake wrapper. We'll just have to make sure the guests aren't expecting frosting and sweetness when they bite into a savory sandwich.


  1. Oh, I love all of those ideas! So sweet. Please do keep us posted on how it goes!

  2. Hi there -- thanks so much for visiting my blog! Love yours!
