I was asking for opinions on Twitter and
Julie said she needed to know my whole plan to say whether houndstooth on kitchen chairs was a good idea. This was just the arse-kicking I needed to figure it all out, so here goes, and thanks Julie!
{Here's where I'm supposed to apologize for the quality of the pictures because it was nighttime and I used flash, but all I know is my walls are sorta blue and they didn't come out that way}
This area is going to be the small human's play area. I want to get a rug, a bit of storage, and a play kitchen in the bay window. I'd also like to replace the cheap prints and put in some sort of window treatment.
Here's the UGLY table & chairs. It may be ugly, but it was free, and the table expands to seat TEN people, so we're keeping it. And yeah, I know, it's Kincaid or something nice, but I am painting it white and there's nothing you can do about it.
Here's my houndstooth coat draped on a chair. Houndstooth upholstery on a white chair? Not?
Something like these?
Also need something on that wall above the dog dishes. I have a couple of the wine glass shelves sort of like this. Appropriate placing since the dogs do drive me to drink, or funny looking since there's no bar underneath?
Turn to the left...
Moving around, here's the long wall of nothingness. And yes, my cat gets up on the table and the counters and it's disgusting and you probably shouldn't eat at my house. What should I put here? I need storage.

What do you think? Cabinet or shelves?
Do you think this window needs something? And yes, there's crap on top of the cabinets. My husband is tall and feels it's a good place to store stuff, so I at least try to give him matching things to put up there.
To summarize:
Houndstooth? Or not?
What the hell to put on the walls?
Buy a big cabinet or attempt to install big shelves?