I live with my husband, which means that the laundry room is a perpetual mess. He doesn't clean out the detergent cup, leaves stinky, wet gym clothes on the floor, throws dirty dish towels haphazardly where he pleases...I suppose I shouldn't complain, since he does do some laundry.
He does not understand why I would like the laundry room to be clean and neat and :gasp: - pretty. Well, I don't do ugly...why should I? There is enough ugly in the world without having unpleasantness in your home.
Currently I love this first laundry room, as in, I stare at my laundry room and imagine how to make it look like this one! My little room is currently a bit of a darker blue, but I don't think I'll be repainting anytime soon. I've got galvanized tin buckets on the (ugly wire) shelves, and have hung sheers behind the washer and dryer to hide all of the plugs, water valves, etc., but the sheers are always brought forward onto the washer as I'm afraid they're a fire hazard.

I wonder if some sort of wood shelf with an apron could hide all of the plugs and water valves?

This might be an idea to both hide the ugly utility plugs AND provide a place for lovely husband to throw the gym clothes and dish towels.